Featured in the radio :
40 Winks, Acht Schaltkreise, Ancient Astronauts, Andreya Triana, Arure, Astrid Engberg, Audiophyiscal, Audiophysical, Aydio, Belleruche, Berry Weight, Blossom, Bonobo, Brace & Kabanjak, Brock Berrigan, Cayetano, Chapelier Fou, Chinese Man, Clutchy Hopkins (feat. Darondo), Collage Noire, Crookram, Degiheugi, Degrade, Dirtwire, Dokkerman and The Turkeying Fellaz, Emancipator, Fine Cut Bodies feat. Kiss Tibi, Fink, Floex, Fredo, Free The Robots, Frenic, G.Bonson, Glen Porter, Goat, Groove Cereal, Guts, Hauschka, Hidden Orchestra, Jesse James, johnny_ripper, Kabanjak, Kantor Tzar Collectif, Karthala 72, Kathrin deBoer, Kelpe, Kognitif, Little People, Lovage, Matteo (Chinese Man), Minimatic, Monsieur Grandin, Natural Self, Nik Laker, Noetics, Oldtoy, Pawn Shop, Peder, Physioto, Picture Shop, Quintero, Radio Citizen, radj, Raycord, Renegades Of Jazz, S'il Vous Play, Screenatorium, Screenatorium & KesakoO, SeQueNce TheOrY PrOjEcT, Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra, Shitao, Skinshape, SMΔUG°, The Herbaliser, TM Juke, Tor, Wasaru, Wax Tailor, Zero 7
Thanks all for the good music !
Full playlist here
Radio : Hugo Kant - This Old Relaxation (Remix from This Old Tune by Zé Mateo) skip
Spotify Trip-Hop Playlist